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From innovative startups just getting off the ground to a well-established anchor companies, BC is a fertile ground for tech companies to grow and scale.

We are sector agnostic, and our sweet spot is investing in pre-seed and seed-stage startups. While we do not lead investment rounds, we love to share the opportunity with other investors to fill out your round.


We invest in BC-based EBC-eligible companies. We believe that supporting our local community is essential, and investing in local companies isa win-win approach for boththe investors and the community.


We're particularly interested in startups that have gained early traction in their market. We look for companies that have proven their product or service resonates with customers and shows promising signs of growth.


We invest in tech start-ups (but not exclusively) that have innovative ideas that solve big problems. We want to see a compelling, unique value proposition and an excellent product-market fit.


We seek to invest in companies that are disrupting existing large markets with a capital-efficient scalable business model. We look to see if the company has a highly sustainable competitive advantage and if they are building a cash flow positive business, leading to a high valuation in 3-7 years.


We believe that a great team is key to a company’s success. We look for committed founders and teams that are motivated, passionate, and willing to take risks to achieve success.

If you check off all the boxes, apply for a pitch session!

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Ready to make a real impact?

Join Cindicates! We bridge the gap between investors, startups, and the community.

Eligible Business Corporation (EBC)

Eligible Business Corporation can accept money from investors without having to set up a venture capital corporation. Cindicates only invests in EBC startups. So investors can receive 30% tac credit from the government.

To be eligible, the business needs to:

  1. Be incorporated and registered to operate in BC.
  2. Business must have a permanent place of business in BC.
  3. Business must pay at least 75% of its annual wages and salaries to BC employees.
  4. Business must be substantially engaged in one or more the qualifying activities. 
  5. Business together with its corporate affiliates must not have more than 100 employees.
  6. Business must have raised at least $25,000 in equity capital 
  7. Business must have at least 80% of its assets in BC.
Ocean waves


Apply for a pitch session now if you want to be added to this line up of amazing companies