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Cindicates provides an opportunity for investors to access the top local tech deals across British Columbia.

Investment Cohorts

Every year, we form a new cohort class that investors can participate in to gain exposure to the latest innovations and emerging startups.

By investing over multiple cohorts investors can expect a more stable and rewarding return profile on their investments with a better spread of exits over time.

Why Invest with Us?

1. Foster Growth

Make a positive impact on the local startup ecosystem by funding promising startups.


2. Deal Diversification

Invest in startups across industries
and sectors, reducing risks
and increasing potential returns.

3. Access

Gain exposure to exclusive deals at early-stage valuations and access to deal flow.

Ocean waves
Pine trees 2

4. Attractive Tax incentives

By investing in Cindicates, investors have the opportunity to take advantage of two attractive tax incentives.

  1. BC investors receive a 30% tax credit on investments through the provincial VCC Program.
  2. Unlock additional tax savings by investing through an RRSP or TFSA account.

Are you an accredited BC investor?

Don't miss this chance to invest with us! Cindicates is currently taking investments for Cohort D.

Admin Fees Before Profits (pay back)

Carry – 20%

Admin Fee (Max At 10%) – 2%

No Management Fee

3 Ways to Invest:

Personally, Holding Company, RRSP/TFSA Account

Have Questions About Your Impact Investments?

What is Cindicates and what does it offer to investors?

Cindicates is a for-profit fund focusing on early-stage startups in British Columbia, Canada. We offer investors deal diversification, expertise in due diligence and dealmaking, and tax benefits through BC’s 30% tax credit.

How much capital has Cindicates raised so far, and how does it raise funds?

Cindicates has raised over $1.2 million across our first three cohorts (Cohort A, B & C). The fund raises money annually in cohorts and we are currently fundraising for the fourth cohort (Cohort D), aiming to raise over $500k for it.

How are investment decisions made in Cindicates?

Investment decisions are made by the general partners, not individual investors. 

Who is eligible to invest in Cindicates, and are there any differences in tax benefits?
Both individual investors and holding companies are accepted. There are some differences in how the tax credit applies for each.
How does Cindicates raise funds, and what is the structure of its cohorts?

Cindicates raises funds annually in cohorts, with each cohort representing a separate entity. Investors commit capital upfront, which is then deployed over the following 12 months as deals are identified and vetted.